Sunday, July 30, 2006

Fun with Supermarkets

I love to walk around in Chinese or Japanese supermarkets, not because I like the food, that is Ellyn, but because I like to look for the unusual food items that I would not THINK of eating. I had our digital camera yesterday when we were in Super 88 Market in Boston and got some pictures of beef pizzle, aloe vera soda, and some others. Look on Flickr to see them.

Monday, July 24, 2006

In search of the perfect headphones

I love my iPod. Well, ok, so I lost my iPod shuffle and now have an iPod nano, but I love it. However, the earbud earphones do not love me. I cannot keep them in my ears. I bought some EarJams add-on parts to get them further into the ear canals but they still would slip out when my ears got sweaty. I have a pair of behind-the-head Radio Shack phones which work really well. I have also tried the ones with wires that pass over the ears but it seems they never keep the earpiece close enough and they feel like they are falling out.

Now I have learned about a Logitech set of wireless Bluetooth headsets. They are also behind-the-head and there is a Bluetooth transmitter you attach to the iPod, They make one specifically for the iPod but they are only for the full size one, not the nano, mini, or shuffle. The others are for all MP3 players.

So I sent for a pair for just $50. I hope they come soon. I love new gadgets.


Ellyn suddenly exclaimed "Shit, I just spilled water on my laptop". I jumped. I flipped it over on its keyboard and grabbed a can of compressed air and blew as much water out as I could. Ellyn unplugged it and I pulled the battery. I then pulled the keyboard, disk drive, CD drive, memory cards, and wireless network card. I blew and dabbed out as much liquid as I could reach and then baked the parts in the oven heated to 170 and then turned off. I left it in there for about an hour then put it all back together. It is working fine. Hopefully it will be ok.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

CBYD, damn it!

This affected Logan and Maureen's condo last night, as well as BUMC the next day. D'oh!

More shopping automation

Our local Stop & Shop has put in the Shopping Buddy. It is a little computer which you put on your cart and a scanner wand to scan your items as you pick them up. Then you pull up to a checkout stand and pay for them. Very slick. Probably adds a little time to the actual shopping time but, if you get your bags first, or bring your own, you do not have to unload the cart except into your car. Technology is fun!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Great picture!

The International Space Station against the sun, taken by an earth-bound telescope.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I hate bad news

But worst than hearing bad news, I hate deliverying it. Unfortunately, I had to do both recently. On Thursday, while Ellyn was at work, I got a call from a friend of hers in Seatlle, WA, that another friend of hers and her oldest daughter, had been brutally urdered while hiking on Tuesday. Her friend Sydney, who had called, was very teary as she related this news to me. Then I had to call Ellyn and tell her. Her agonized cry of surprise was hard for me to hear.

Now, several news stories have surfaced in the Seattle papers that Ellyn has been looking at, and she has found some pictures we had around here from the last time we were out there, nearly 20 years ago.

Ellyn has been agonizing a bit about the irony that she has been so sick this year and yet her friend, who was healthy and fit enough to be hiking in the Seattle area, was in mortal danger.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

'Nuf said

T'row da bum out!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Headbutt was justified

It has finally been reviled what was said to French soccer player Zinedine Zidane by Italian Marco Materazzi to provoke the headbutt.

"La vostra madre era un hampster ed il vostro padre sentiti l'odore di delle bacche di sambuco."

(Your Mother was a hampster and your Father smelled of elderberries.)

No wonder he was so pissed off. This is a well known insult by the French.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

What's next?

I was thinking yesterday and I realized something: my parents grew up with the automobile, the first generation to know them from the start. My generation was the second to have cars around all the time and the first to grow up with the television. Our kids were the second generation of TV and the first to grow up with the personal computer. Their kids will be the second computer generation, but what will they grow up with that their parents did not and had to learn later in life? What is the next big thing? What will come along and change the world as much as the car, the TV, and the personal computer?Hm, maybe it is already here.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Family Reunion

The 4th of July this year was a chance for my two brothers and I to all get together for the first time in 11 years. Wes and his family came west by car, stopping off to visit with some of Pat's family, and Steve and Laurie came down from VT with their trailer to camp out. I was not as adventurous, flying into Detroit to visit my friend Ken from college, and then I drove my rental to GR.

It was a great weekend. The highlight had to be Wes and Pat's 2-year-old granddaughter, Trinity. She was quite the center of attention much of the time. Another attention-getter was Mom and Dad's pool, which I put a lot of sweat into during the summer of 1966, and which was very refreshing. The weather was wonderfully warm and sunny, so we used the pool 3 times in two days.

Sadly, Ellyn was not feeling up to making the trip. She stayed home and spent time with our son Logan and some of her friends.