Saturday, September 30, 2006

History Lesson?

Not a good post title but here goes. On Thursday I was working at the home of one of our business clients who owns an insurance agency. We had done some work on his office machines and he hired us (CM/IT, specifically me) to fix his daughter's laptop (severely hijacked) and his Vaio minitower. I was sitting at the kitchen table and his two younger kids were getting ready to go outside and I commented to his youngest daughter about the logo on her shirt, which had the shape of a famous ice cream company but it said "Frozen-Assets" with to dots (a german umlaut) over the "o". She said it was the name of her Nanna's boat. I mentioned how it looked like the Haagen-Dazs logo and she and her brother both said "Yeah, our Great-grandfather founded Haagen-Dazs". "Eh?", I retorted. "Yeah and I was named after him", said the brother, Reuben. "But he sold it to Pillsbury". "For a lot of money, I bet". "Yeah".

I mentioned it to their Mother later and it was her Grandfather, Reuben Mattus, who founded Haagen-Dazs. I meet some interesting people in this job.

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